The Ultimate Pokémon Grandmaster in Taiwan

The Taiwan Pokémon Uncle Now Has 64 Phones to Play Pokémon GO!

pokemon go grandpa Chen San-yuan
Pokemon Go Grandpa Chen San-yuan

Taiwanese Taoist Master, Priest, Chen San-yuan, started his Pokémon career in early 2019. When his grandson introduced him to this AR game. Since then, he has been seen sighted with a varying number of phones in Taiwanese streets. News started to come out of Taiwan that a 70-year-old man is going around on his bike and catching Pokémons all around Taiwan.

The videos of this Priest by day and Pokémon master by night quickly took fire through Facebook. Then Verge picked them up. Since then, he has been seen growing his phone collection. He started out with one phone. Chen liked the game so much that he started using 6 phones to play Pokémon GO in his spare time. He was sighted with 6 phones. The Taiwanese local media picked up the growing trend of the Pokémon GO Grandpa. He then bumped his collection up to 21, which was then covered extensively by the internet. Then, after making news again with 32 phones, he is now back with even more phones.

Pokémon Uncle has truly surpassed all expectations and has a staggering 64 phones mounted on his bicycle. 

According to the Pokémon Grandpa Chen, going around with soo many phones allows him to catch more rare Pokémons easily, but this new development seems to take his appetite to “Catch em all” to a whole new level.

Previously, Pokémon Grandpa used duct tape, normal phone stands, and industrial-grade power banks to make his setup work seamlessly for his relatively new hobby. But now, he seems to be going pro. He was seen holding, industry-grade huge 7-Tier phone racks, holding together a blooming, Peacock like phone display mounted right on his bike. 

Pokemon go! game

Right now, it is uncertain how this new addition affects his vision while cycling around. It is safe to say that you don’t want to get in this 70-year-olds Grandpa’s way. If you see him riding around in Taiwan.

But, some of us do wonder, how is he able to go to such extreme for his little hobby. Here’s a little surprise for the wandering minds here.

Asus has started to sponsor Pokémon Uncle:

Yes, you heard that right. Asus. is sponsoring the Pokémon Uncle and has allowed him to take as many phones as he likes.

So, as you can see, the familiar silhouette in the picture, most of those 64 phones seem to be Asus ROGs. Even though the new iteration seems a bit impractical to work with, it’s still a sight to Awe at. Although it does not look like all of these phones are ROGs—but a substantial fraction of these phones seems to be from Asus. He seems to be adding them on top of his old phones to catch as many Pokémons as he can.

What started out as an unusual hobby for a pries. Has truly become a story of realized passion for this 70-year-old Taiwanese gamer.

Check out Pokémon Go for yourself click here

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