The Alarming Increase of Sexual Assault Cases in the Gaming Industry

Plaintiffs in Riot Gender Discrimination

In the past few weeks, discussions, events and controversies related to the gaming industry have been going on. A lot has been brought to light. This time though, things are quite different. A plethora of streamers. Company executives. Developers and industry influencers have been in question related to severe sexual assault allegations brought against them. 

Chris Avellone dying light 2
Chris Avellone Video Game Designer

Among the perpetrators of this toxic culture is Chris Avellone, a video game designer known for working on Planescape Torment, co-founding Obsidian Entertainment and creating Fallout 2 alongside the household favorite, Fallout: New Vegas. Avellone has been accused by multiple women of predatory tactics to fuel his exploitative intentions.

Plaintiffs in Riot Gender Discrimination
Plaintiffs in Riot Gender Discrimination

On June 19th, a woman simply identified as Karissa narrated the events of her first encounter with Chris Avellone in a Twitter thread. While attending a meetup with her friend, she was acquainted with Chris Avellone who charitably offered to purchase drinks on him waving his Obsidian credit card to indicate his status as a part of the reputable video game company. 

During the meetup, he always elected to refill her drinks. Which Karissa obliged due to the congested environment leaving her thirsty. According to Karissa, after a while, her two friends were helping her back to her hotel room as she was blackout drunk. Because of this, her memories are fuzzy, but for the parts she does remember, Avellone grabbed her face and began kissing her “didn’t ask, just went for it”. In a moment of clarity, Karissa managed to stop Chris from putting his hands down her pants. She recounted the events and her friends confirmed what occurred. She stated that she didn’t process what had happened until a few years later.

Another woman who chose to remain anonymous to the media recounts Avellone’s behavior during an online conversation. He described graphic fantasies of what he wanted to do to her in response to a non-sexual question.

Chris Avellone video game designer
Chris Avellone Video Game Designer

Many other women confirmed these allegations. Stating that they have been warned to stay away from him. Others attested to his tradition of using his Obsidian card to project his “star” power to take advantage of naïve and hopeful women hoping to get into the industry.

This behavior is not unique to Avellone. Based on the allegations brought up in recent months, people have created documents with a list of popular names that are at the forefront of these accusations. Some of these include AngryJoe, FaZe Banks, VoiceoverPete, Fedmyster, Cryaotic and even a staff of Twitch, Hassan Bokhari.

Considering with the gravity of the events described, many fans of these content creators and executives are feigning deaf ears to the cries of women. In an industry that is notorious for these activities some have described as a “High School bro culture”, companies have still refused to effectively sanction their employees and creators. 

riot games discrimination suit
Riot Games Office

Last year, Riot Games. One of the biggest companies in the industry was exposed as an extremely misogynistic environment. That encouraged toxic work culture against women. However, not much was change. Some employees that were at the center of the controversy still remain in the company. 

sexual harassment riot games

In an industry that promises change in light of these allegations. Press statements and internal investigations; Don’t hold much water anymore. However, putting qualified women in the executive/board positions of these companies is a great first step towards substantial change. 

Just recently in light of Black Lives Matter protests. Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian. Stepped down from his position on the board and elected to be replaced with its first black board member. . On a website known for its intolerant communities, a representative figure in that important role will be pivotal towards change. 

If video game companies and content creation organizations can make similar changes by putting women in executive roles. Then we might start to see a difference.

For more on The Riot Discrimination Lawsuit click here

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