Irresistible Gaming: Cyberpunk 2077

Many adaptions of the Cyberpunk genre exist, but it’s the role-playing game that takes center stage. Here’s a load-down of all info about the Cyberpunk game franchise.

Cyberpunk is an obvious success in the ever-evolving gaming industry. Most players refer to its most popular release, Cyberpunk 2020 as the turning point behind this role-playing game.

This game gets releases in editions. All releases are based on several adaptations of the genre. With several successes achieved from earlier installments, it’s certain more installments such as the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 will wow gamers even more.


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Cyberpunk follows the primary illustration of the genre it’s named after. With a flexible timeline featuring several futuristic scenes and high-tech inputs, many gamers see Cyberpunk as a glimpse of a possible future.

The first edition of Cyberpunk released in 1988 was set in 2013. Also, future releases have been set in 2020 and 2045 with more futuristic-themed settings expected with later installments.

This game is based on the utter fall of world systems and the world as we know it. Also, it features the rise of corporations that are in a constant tussle for global domination.

Much emphasis is also placed on rendering Cyberpunk as a world plagued with several damaging famines caused by food blights.

Also, several tech advancements based on bioengineering and advanced warfare weaponry support the game’s futuristic setting.

Cyber-prosthetic technology and human merges with machines are commonplace through the game.

To ensure gamers get a thrilling experience, there’re several sections where casual violence has become endemic.

Night City is the central destination for Cyberpunk, which is located in an environment similar to developed US states like LA and San Francisco. The Middle East is also represented as a desert littered with radioactive waste.

Gang warfare is also rife through several settings of Cyberpunk. Also, players have to navigate several obstacles erected by political machinations and bitter corporate tussles.

What players get in Cyberpunk is an engaging setting where survival tactics are essential to progress and thrive in a fictional world.


Cyberpunk 2013

The first installment in this futuristic series, Cyberpunk 2013 was released in 1988. This game comes in a box-set, featuring a handbook, sourcebook and combat book. Also, the game comes with game aids and a pair of ten-sided dice.

Cyberpunk 2020

Cyberpunk 2020 game set/Image Source

The second edition got its release in 1990 and features several updates to its first edition. It also came in a box set with a softcover book, reference guide and adventure set.
Two loose versions of the second edition, Cyberpunk V2.0 and V2.1 also received massive acceptance.

Cyberpunk V3.0

Set in the 2030s, Cyberpunk V3.0 got its release in 2005. Trans-humanism and other advanced features feature in this game set after four Corporate Wars.

Six subcultures also feature in this edition, with accompanying sourcebook releases brought out to complement this edition two years later.

Cyberpunk Red

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The Cyberpunk Red follows a 2045 setting. Its simplified box set, Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit offers gamers a glimpse into its expected 2020 release.

The events of Cyberpunk Red serve as a base for Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077

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Set in Night City, Cyberpunk 2077 is the latest and most-anticipated release of this gaming franchise.

Over 500 personnel have worked in developing this game at some stage, with millions of dollars in backup funding.

Cyberpunk 2077 shifts from the conventional tabletop format of most early releases to a full-blown video game.

The game is set for a mid-September 2020 release. A massive number of cyberpunks have pre-orders already placed across several licensed marketers.


Cyberpunk 2077 is experienced through the eyes of V, a mercenary with several customizable body features.

Players can assume hacking, machinery, and combat-focused character classes through the game. V has to navigate Night City’s six regions and acquire several weapons through black market sellers.

The city isn’t guarded by any laws and V must navigate main quests that pit him against several obstacles to progress. Also, the story’s plotline has several possible endings based on a gamer’s decision.

Non-Lethal Options

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The game’s developers are planning a non-lethal option to run concurrently with its lethal counterpart. In the non-lethal option, players can access all the game’s features and complete it without killing anyone.


Cyberpunk currently has three editions released to the public, with two simultaneous releases, Cyberpunk Red and Cyberpunk 2077 set for 2020 dates.

Cyberpunk 2077 is developed by CD Projekt and CD Projekt Red but with original franchise creator Mike Pondsmith consulting.


The Cyberpunk 2077 installment is currently under construction with the RED-engine 4, supporting more pronounced graphics representations from released scenes.

A glimpse of much-better graphics has been noticed across several Cyberpunk 2077 trailer releases.

The 2077 Cyberpunk also features high-definition imagery capable of supporting eighth-gen devices like the PS4 and Xbox One. A PC version is also in development stages with several hints showing massive Cyberpunk 2077 system requirements.

Special Features

Gamers in the Cyberpunk universe have to make use of several high-tech processes. Body modification is one of the most significant features of the gaming franchise. Cybernetic prosthetics and merges make


Cyberpunk 2077 is scheduled to be available on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

Gameplay Controls

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay follows a first-person shooter control system. Cut scenes and dialogues have also been designed with this format to enable more player immersion.

Earlier releases of Cyberpunk’s tabletop editions have received largely favorable reviews. Also, Cyberpunk has been ranked high in the 50 most popular roleplaying games list.

And the accolades have come as awards and nominations too.

Cyberpunk 2077 has won eight (8) out of ten (10) awards it has gotten nominations for. The game has won most of these awards since 2013, seven years before its slated release date.

It’s also certain that when the game’s release comes through, more award nominations will follow.

Cyberpunk has continued its gradual rise in the gaming industry for more than three decades. This game has transcended from a tabletop design to one of the most anticipated video games in recent memory. We’ve got our fingers crossed and eagerly await its release date.